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Event Status

Keep your finger on the pulse of your event with the event status

Rachel Pohlen avatar
Written by Rachel Pohlen
Updated over a week ago

The Event Status relates to what stage your event cycle is in - following your journey as you go through Planning to the Archive stage.

In the Planning and Complete status, only members of your organization can see your event. Active status means it is open to the public and your wider event team can now start joining.

Recommendation: Activate your event BEFORE you send the invite email to your team, otherwise your team won't be able to access your event.

Who - Users with event manager rights can update the Event Status
Where - To update the Event Status, select Settings > Admin


The event planning stage allows the event manager to plan their event in a private setting - where no crew or organizational staff that aren't on the team can access the event. 

All new events are given the default status of being in planning. Here you can plan all aspects of the event including registering all hazards, preplanned communications via alerts and load up all your event documentations for your teams to view. 

Note - Only organizational staff can view events in this stage

Key points for Planning:

  • Create, manage and publish hazards, incidents, Blerts and alerts

  • Can invite any organizational staff and give them event roles

  • Access all your data and reports on mobile and desktop

  • Default event visibility is set to 'Invitation only'

  • Communicate through chat or alerts to your organizational team

  • Crew cannot find or join your event on Blerter 

When you create your event Admin will look like this:


Active indicates that your event is now live - this includes your pack in and pack out of the venue. Crew can now be added (charges will start to apply) and you can start communicating with your team by sending alerts or chat messages. The biggest difference from planning is that you can now start collaborating and invite event team members such as suppliers, crew and volunteers. The team will also be notified when you add new hazards. Your team will be able to send Blerts to the operations center so that actions can be taken to a run and smooth and efficient events. 

When you change your Event Status to active, make sure the visibility and onboarding codes are adjusted so your crew can find and access the event.

Note - Your team member billing will start now 

Key points for Active:

  • All features in planning are still available 

  • Create, manage and publish hazards, incidents, Blerts and alerts

  • Team member billing will start as active status is confirmed

  • Can invite any team members and give them event roles

  • Team members can find, join and check-In to your event

  • Make sure to check the event visibility & invite code requirements are set

  • Team members can view event details and start sending Blerts

  • Communicate to all team members with an alert

  • Create group or direct messages in chat

Select Activate Event then select Confirm Activate


The event pack down is complete, changing your event status from active to complete will also stop your crew billing for which you will be invoiced at the end of the month. When checking crew out you will have the opportunity to send a Thank You message. 

Complete all your tasks, make sure all incident reports are completed and review all alerts, hazards and other information to take note of learnings for future events. 

Easily export the spreadsheets so you can analyze the data, measure your teams performance & spot trends to prevent future issues.

Note - This is the final stage of the event where you can make changes to the data, once the event is archived no further updates are possible. 

Key points for Completed:

  • Complete tasks and close hazards, incidents, Blerts and alerts

  • Stop billing and automatically check-out all team members 

  • Send a 'Thank You' note to all team members on check-out

  • Default event visibility returns to 'Invitation only'

  • Event will show on mobile in 'Past Event'

  • Crew cannot join your event on Blerter 

Select Complete Event then select Confirm Complete


The event is now wrapped up. Whilst no changes can be made the event, learnings can continue here as you can return back to the event data in desktop at any time. 

Note - Once an event is archived this cannot be undone

Key points for Planning:

  • Only available to organizational staff to access reports

  • Cannot create or manage hazards, incidents, Blerts and alerts

  • Cannot undo archived

Select Archive then select Confirm Archive

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