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Create & Manage an Alert

Send an important Alert instantly to the entire event team. Manage the Alert by linking past and future Blerts and Incidents

Rachel Pohlen avatar
Written by Rachel Pohlen
Updated over a week ago

How to create a new Alert

  1. Select Alerts on the desktop menu or tap the Alerts icon on mobile
    Draft Alerts can only be saved on Desktop

  2. Click the +/ ADD icon in the top right corner to add a new Alert
    that you can also create a new Alert by converting a Blert 

  3. The Alert Form will open. 

  4. Fill in as many details as possible
    a) Alert Name
    b) Details about the Alert - all Team Members will beto view the details and Advise when they select the Alert. 

  5. Select if you want to send a Push Notification about the Alert

  6. Choose the Notification Sound
    None - There will be no sound
    Default - A short but distinctive notification sound to the users phone settings*
    Emergency - A long and distinctive notification sound to the users phone settings
    *Blerter does not have permission to override a users phone if it is set to silent. 

  7. Choose if you want to show the Alert on Check-In 

  8. Select the Severity Icon. This will be displayed on the users phone home page even if their phone is locked.
    Low -
    The Alert will show with a grey icon
    Med -
    The Alert will show with an orange icon
    High -
    The Alert will show with a red icon

  9. Add an Evacuation plan to the Alert. The plan needs to be set up in the Event setting when creating or editing Event Details. 

  10. Check all Alert Details as an Alert cannot be Edited once Sent

  11. Click Save.
    Note - The user who sent the Alert will not receive a Notification

Manage a Sent Alert

  • Sent Alerts cannot be Edited 

  • Add Comments to the Alerts

  • Relate any received Blerts or created Incident by tapping the 3 dots in 'related To' on mobile or selecting 'Link to existing' on Desktop.
    Multiple records can be added to the Alert

How to Archive a Alerts

  1. From the Event Dashboard click the Alerts icon and then select the Alert you want to Archive (use the search and filter options at the top)

  2. On Mobile Tap the three dots in the top right corner and select Archive

  3. On Desktop select Archived in the Top right Corner

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