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Managing a Blert
Managing a Blert
Rachel Pohlen avatar
Written by Rachel Pohlen
Updated over a week ago

Manage A Blert 

 In the last lesson you learnt about creating Blerts so in this lesson we’re going to teach you how to manage them. 

Head to the console on the desktop and have a look at the Blerts that you created from the last lesson. Select one that relates to an incident and open it up using the link or the arrow on the left, which will give you a pop-up box that leaves the console running in the background. From here you’re provided with various options on how you can manage it. From this point, you could simply close it if it doesn't require any further management, i.e. when you sent a reminder Blert to yourself.

Blerter Tip! When acknowledging a Blert, keep it positive to reinforce to your team you love hearing from them. Where possible provide a bit of direction on their next step i.e. stay with the person until management arrives or Head back to your station and keep up the great Blerts!

The other options for managing Blerts are:

  • converting to a new Hazard - If a Blert related to a new hazard is not already included in your hazard register or if it is a hazard that you have not loaded into Blerter.

  • converting to a new Incident - If there is a new incident that this Blert relates to and you want to start recording this information as an incident.

  • linking to an existing Incident or Hazard - If this Blert relates to an incident that you have already logged, you can simply link this to the Incident or Hazard.

  • Lastly - simply closing a Blert if there is no other actions needed. You still have access to the Blert should you need it later. 

So let's practice converting a Blert into a new incident. Go back to the Blert, select to action the Blert and use the option to add a new Incident. Select an option that most closely relates to the Blert that you are converting (it is highly likely that it will fall into more than one category). Don't get too concerned about what to select, just pick one that is relevant to the situation, followed by selecting the severity levels.

Once you have completed this you have successfully converted your first Blert and will now be taken into the main page of managing the Incident.

Here you can see three tabs. If you work your way through the tabs, adding in as much information as you can, you will start to create a full picture of the incident. This will provide you with an in-depth report post-event. Details of each of the tabs are as follows:

  • Record - This shows the details of the incident that have been pulled through from the initial Blert, who reported etc. This is where you can see how important/helpful it is when people who are sending Blerts give you as much information as possible. You can edit any of these details or add more details from here.

  • Manage - A task list will pre-populate based on generic processes for incidents. You can edit any of these tasks, allocate them to someone or simply delete them if they do not apply to your plans and processes. You can also add your own specific tasks. As you scroll down you can add attachments (such as photos of the incident) and link it to an existing info document. Learning - This is a perfect place to add anything you want to remember for future events or maybe its something you want to follow up post event. Closure report - You can add in any information here from your findings of the incident, such as what will you do in future events to prevent this from happening again.

  • Communicate - This is the third tab and gives you the opportunity to communicate out a message to your team that is relevant. For example, if the incident means that a road is now closed or a part of the event is no longer accessible, you could send an alert to the team to let them know. You can also link it to an existing Hazard or create a new one. If no communication is required then no actions are needed here.

Reminder - Only people that can see Incidents are Managers and Team Leaders so a good point to remember when setting someone up as a Manager or Team Leader is that they can view this information. Crew on the other hand cannot view it unless you have added them to the Incident.

Have a play around so you can really understand where this can go. You will start to appreciate that by simply following the steps and filling in the boxes, you will have some great information, should you need to pull an Incident report at the end of an event.

By trialling it with your team you will get an understanding of how the notifications work so go and test your knowledge and have some fun doing it!

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