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Locate your crew

Keep up to date on user locations with Blerter's interactive map

Written by Coco Lo
Updated over a week ago

Blerter's locate your crew capability is now available on iOS and Android.

We understand how important it is for event organisers like yourself, to be able to locate your crew members when you need them the most. Having full visibility of your event can really make all the difference when it comes to keeping your crew as safe as possible, and these new updates will now allow you to easily find your crew on the fly, from the palm of your hands.

Whether you need to locate someone to make sure they are safe, know how close your resources (e.g. medics, security staff) are, or to find out how many people are at one specific location - Blerter provides an easy way to pin-point user locations via an interactive map.

There are two key interactions in which results are displayed on the map:

  • Location is updated each time a user interacts with the Blerter system - appearing as a 'last seen' timestamp.

  • User location is refreshed by selecting an existing map pin or profile search.

Please note: a user's location will only be accessible if they have checked in to the event on Blerter, and have their device location services enabled.

Talk to us about trying this updated capability for your next event.

*Note: Channel managers only have access to the locations of people in their specific channel

Locate your crew on desktop:

From the Team page:

  1. Browse to the "Team" page - on the left hand side

2. Select a team member from the list

3. This will show their profile details - to request an updated location click the refresh symbol

From the Map:

  1. Select "Maps" from the channel tabs at the top of the page

2. You can select crew members and zoom in to see exactly where they were last seen - click on the refresh symbol to request an updated location

Locate your crew on mobile:

From the Team page:

  1. Locate "More" via the channel tabs at the top

  2. Select "Members" (note: members page is not available in everyone channel)

  3. Choose a team member from the list

  4. Scroll to the bottom to see location

5. Tap the map to zoom in

6. Select request location at the bottom

7. Tap send request to see an updated location

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