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Delegating Channel Roles

Learn how to group your team into channels and set their roles for optimize your event communication

Written by Anggita Dofina
Updated over a week ago

The channels are a way of separating different groups of people - ensuring all the right people are in the right place so you only get relevant information and communications.

Type of Channels:

  1. Standard - Any user on the event can search for this channel join

  2. Restricted - Enable private and confidential conversations within a team but allowing that team to speak to and get information from everyone on the event

  3. Private - Enable private and confidential conversations, information and workflows, not visible for non-invitee. Roles and permissions are identical with Restricted channel

When an Organization creates an event, it is automatically provided with mandatory channels:

  1. EVERYONE – everyone in the event is a member

  2. MANAGEMENT - all users with the "event owner" role will automatically be added to this channel

Activities in Channel




Non Member

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Start Runsheet Activity



Complete Runsheet Activity



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Mark as In Progress




Mark as Complete




Mark as Closed




Trash task




Assign Task




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Edit Channel Membership: Add Group and/or People



Edit Channel Role for Owner, Manager & Member


Edit Channel Role for Manager & Member (to lower permission)


Edit and Manage Channel Settings


Request Channel Member Location



Learn more about setting Event Roles here.

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