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Delegating Event Roles

The event manager allocates the roles for team members to quickly manage incidents and hazards whilst communicating to the wider team

Rachel Pohlen avatar
Written by Rachel Pohlen
Updated over a week ago

In Blerter we provide you with the flexibility of grouping your event communication traffic into channels. Roles in Event level are specific to each event and then at a Channel level, it is not connected to any other events within your organization.

Unlike the staff permissions, the event role can be modified depending on the staff members’ role within each event and channel.

Learn more about Staff Permission's here.

Example of how to delegate event roles

Bill and Sarah are both event managers in your organization and have permissions to manage events. Bill is the event manager for The Great Escape and therefore needs the high level role as an Event Admin so he can edit and manage the event in its entirety through the planning, live and completed event stages.

Sarah is organizing the City Soul Festival and has also set her role as an admin. As a staff member of the company Bill will be looking after the volunteers on the day which is why Sarah has set him up in the role of manager at City Soul Festival.

At Blerter we understand that whilst your organization works as a team. For an event to run successfully your team may have different roles and responsibilities of who is accountable, this features offers that versatility.

In both events, Sarah and Bill could have all possibility of role in all channels under each event.

Event Roles

There are three different event roles that an associated event staff can access. Only one role can be allocated to a staff member per channel/group however roles are interchangeable between channels, groups and events.  

  • Admin: They are the high level administrators of the event, often they will be the event managers. With creating/editing the events they are also accountable for all aspects of the event. Within there dedicated channels or groups they can set member permissions and manage any communications including convert Blerts, create or edit hazards, run sheets, info and alerts. An admin can also see a full list of all the channels and Join themselves to any channel. With an event we recommend having 1-2 admin roles and then expanding the team with managers as required closer to the event date.

  • Manager: Your Blerter managers supports the admin event managers with high level tasks such as being able to create and send alerts, manage and acknowledge Blerts. They can also help edit the team, however they can't edit the event or any of the event details.

  • Member: The remainder of your event team are known as members. Along with being able to create and view Blerts they can also view the details within the channels they belong to - including info, run sheets, alerts and hazards. They cannot view any incidents or create/manage any other features as per the managers and admin.

Event Activities




Edit Event Details



Edit Event Location



Choose Evacuation Plan



Checking Out Members



Activate/Complete/Archive Event



Check In Settings



Add Reports



Add/Edit Incident Template


View & Configure Console *)



Access Reports



Manage Team Members



Manage Group Members



Assign Groups to Channel



Duplicate/Add Groups



Create Channel



Access/Download Check Ins



*) Channel Permission applied

Learn about setting Channel Roles here.

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