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Rachel Pohlen avatar
Written by Rachel Pohlen
Updated over a week ago

Your Event Squad 

Now that you’re all clued up on our exciting features we only have our last fundamental piece of your event to look at - Your Event Team!

Since we’ve briefed you on the type of role that your event manager, team leader and crew will need, it’s now time to onboard them. 

Inviting your Event Team Members

You can invite your Event Team as soon as you would like, we recommend your Managers and Team Leaders are invited a month before the event, as they need more time getting familiar with Blerter. Your Crew Members should be invited around 1-2 weeks before so they can jump in, play around, follow RunSheet items and read all your valuable information.

Your event team

Inviting Team Members can be done through the desktop in bulk if you already have their name and email contact details, you can also assign their role and permissions straight away!

This will fast forward their onboarding straight to the Check-in page, bypassing the QR Code. If they’re on Blerter already they will get an email and be notified in the App and if they are new to Blerter, they will receive an email inviting them to join. Trust us when we say this has a huge effect on getting the team into your event and onto Blerter even faster and easier! This step will also allow you to see who has onboarded and who is yet to accept the invite.

Like many events with a big volunteer base, you may not know exactly who is turning up until the day of the event. To get you started here is a suggested email template which you can update and send. An example poster is also included, to send or print out on the day and distribute or affix where your team will gather at your event - such as the volunteer/supplier registration areas.

Checking Out your Event Team Members

In the Team page you will also see ‘Check out All Members’ in the top left-hand corner, it suggests you can check out all the members - forcing them to check back in when they next arrive at your event.

You may do this for a few reasons...

  • Seeing who is still on-site (or hasn't checked out) at the end of each event day.

  • You may be changing your Check-In information to what's relevant the following day and you want your team to read and acknowledge the new information.
    This is particularly useful for packing in a large venue with lots happening each day or when you want to change your safety messaging to fun, high energy interaction on the event day.

Blerter Tip! Jump to the Check-Ins page for a complete audit of when and who checked in on both mobile and desktop - great for checking rostered VS actual hours worked.

As your event comes to a close and moves from Active to Complete, you will be given the option to Check-Out your whole team whilst sending them a "Thank You" message. A nice touch to show them how important they are to you and your event and of course to encourage them to come back again the next year.

Blerter Tip! Once a member logs into your event on Blerter, you will immediately have their name and contact details, which means you can simply export the list when you're ready to re-engage or recruit them for your next event.

Blerter Playground Task

In the Playground invite your other staff members who already exist on Blerter and follow their journey through to the event.

Next, invite a new Team Member by selecting 'Invite Team Members'. This may be another staff member not on Blerter, or you may want to use a personal email as an alias so you can follow a Crew Members journey into Blerter to see what it looks like from their end.

Remember on mobile you can only be logged in as 1x person at a time. To log out select the top right Settings icon and Logout at the bottom of the page.

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